Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The New Missal

Dearest Friends,

I must ask your apologies for not being able to post to the blog for awhile. My goal has been to keep updates somewhat regular because I know that I don't have much time to keep up with everyone. Well, after realizing that I'm sending the same updates to friends and family, I figured it might be the best time saver to invest a little more time in the blog, especially since there are still many whom I have not been able to keep in touch with.

-I must admit that it was really easy to adjust to my "new life". The first few weeks were quite interesting; there was a lot of spiritual resistance because I don't think I was fully prepared to enter yet (but who is, really). I find my new lifestyle very peaceful, especially between Monday and Friday. Mass is celebrated at 6:45 in the morning (normally) with other mandatory functions throughout the day in addition to classes. I've never been one to fulfill the practice of waking up early on a consistent basis, but it's always something I've wanted to do. Plus, no greater joy to wake up, give your day to Jesus, and receive Him in the Holy Eucharist.

-Thanks to the generosity of a Wisconsin parish and generous pastor, I have raised enough funds to travel to Rome this year with 4 other IHM seminarians. I can't praise and thank God enough for this. On the itinerary is Ash Wednesday Mass at one of the Station churches, visiting and praying at the tombs of the Apostles and saints, Day trip to Assisi, and a General Audience with the Holy Father. We'll stay at the North American College, where one of the Crookston priests (Fr. Craig Vasek) is finishing his studies.

-I can't be any more exciting for Advent of 2011, it's becoming difficult to live in the present. The New Missal for many might cause confusion and worry, but FEAR NOT, this is truly a wonderful change. Even Pope John Paul II, after celebrating Mass in english, was noted for saying that the translations don't encompass the true beauty of the Mass. One such change is thus: we currently pray before communion "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the words and I shall be healed." Well, if you know your scriptures, you know that the words of the Roman Centurion are changed in this translation. We will now proclaim "Lord, I am not worthy to let you ENTER MY HOUSE..." and what beauty this holds! You've probably heard a billion and a half times that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. The body is a gift and a sacred dwelling, it is important to acknowledge that in our sinfulness we are not worthy by any merit of our own. But at the Word of Jesus, He forgives sins and we can be healed.

On another note, all music for Mass (Alleluia, Gloria, Sanctus, Mysterium Fidei, Amen, and Agnus Dei) are changing, so I felt the spirit asking me to compose settings in the new translation. They are still rough, but as of last night, they are complete. God is good, prepare for His grace in the new Missal.

Live Jesus,
