Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Rite place at the appropriate time


Time is a mysterious thing, isn't it? Even atomic clocks never seem to be completely in sync, different places adhere to different daylight savings and time zone rules. Just as there are fingerprints of the Lord displayed in the beauty of His creation, the imperfect fingerprints of man are blanketing this thing we call "time." It is therefore ironic that we as Christians use the term "God's time," because this is a man made term that can not in any way contain God.

This belief addresses and corrects the issue of predestination. God knows things, being outside of time, as being simultaneously present to His Divine Mind. It furthers one's ponderings of the mysteries of faith and how Good He truly is. His providence is something entirely misunderstood and therefore unappreciated by mankind as a whole.


I am subject to time, and it is always glorious to me to reflect on the wonder of how God has assisted me in it and answered my prayers. This morning I was briefly praising God because I love the job I currently am working in. It was an interesting process of finding a job; I was still in the seminary and I had requested and been granted the opportunity by the Diocese of Crookston to work in a parish. By the time that Father Vincent Miller had contacted me notifying me that Bishop Hoeppner and Monsignor Baumgartner were okay with this, I had already discovered that my time to leave was soon approaching. This meant that it was time to look for work again, and my opportunity to return home to Park Rapids was a dim one, so I applied to Saint Mary's and crossed my fingers.

I was accepted as a student worker, but quickly notified that I would be unable to return to the Information Technology department. I then turned and was accepted to Maintenance (who employs roughly half of the summer workers) but at this point I began to dread my summer vacation. I was talking about my summer plans, then, with Brother Larry Humphrey one morning as Tim Gossen walks in with a box of doughnuts. He apparently overheard a part of the conversation that peaked his interest.

Tim took this knowledge into a meeting he had with Lynn Streefland and Father Andy Beerman, among a few others, and apparently everyone agreed that I'd be the perfect fit to work in the Office of Campus Ministry and as a summer RA. I cannot even begin to describe how wonderful it has been to work here, and I love every minute of it.

May the name of the Lord be Praised.

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